About Me

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I'm 16, and i love to just chill with my friends.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Attractive 2

This photo is of a river in the winter. I took it over kind of near fowler park on a bridge. I think the white in the trees really stands out and I just like the picture itself.

Attractive 1

This is my first attractive picture. I took it at McDonalds actually which is why there are the cars in the background, which I wish weren't. The picture I think is pretty good because it has some what of a pop of color from the leaf.

BIography of Richard Misrach

Richard Misrach graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 1971. He began his career in the early 70s as a black and white photographer. Misrach has photographed all over the Western United States, and as far away as Egypt and Israel. Misrach has been photographing the American desert for more than twenty years now. Misrach has one child, Jacob. He first started photographing with a 35 mm camera.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Peace and Tranquility

This montage is suppose to represent Peace and Tranquility. This is shown by the peaceful calm setting of the river with two trees on each side. Along with that is a Peace sign that was drawn on a hand and shown by a blacklight. The peace signs are behind everything and its suppose to be a very calm thing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This montage is suppose to resemble Obama becoming the new president and how its a huge thing. This is sown by the "Makes History" in the lower left corner. Also how he made news all over the world is also shown by the "USA TODAY" in the upper left corner and the Newstands on the right side of it. The main focal point of this montage is Obama in the center of it.

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is ART Montage

The reason for this montage is to show that graffiti is more then just vandalism its art. The reason ART is lime green and big is to make it stick out which makes it the focal point.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008